Horse joint supplements

Horse joint supplements

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Horse Joint Supplements

Modern-day advances in scientific research in the equine sector have proven the need for horse joint supplements. Osteoarthritis and other arthritic changes are responsible for around 60% of lameness in both pleasure and performance horses. Even horses at rest and youngsters can also be affected. The best philosophy to follow is prevention is better than cure, as it’s often more difficult to reverse an existing problem.

During the first two years of a horse’s life, developing a healthy skeletal system is paramount.  Always ensure your young horse has the correct nutrition to facilitate this and long term insurance for joint/bone health. Especially once a horse starts his working career under saddle.

Horse owners more commonly prefer oral horse joint supplements over injectables. Liquid Joint & Bone RLF is a unique nutraceutical product in a palatable, fast-absorbing liquid form. Its active ingredients are well-documented with studies and trials. These actives help in the formation of strong, dense bones. Additionally, they slow down the degenerative process and assist in providing relief from inflammation helping to improve mobility.


Rosehip (rosa canina) in Horse Joint Supplements

Rosehip contains glycosides that are anti-inflammatory to injury.  It may be a degenerative injury eg. arthritis or an acute injury such as a soft tissue tear. Glycosides can limit the number of white blood cells that can enter the site of injury-causing swelling. Therefore rosehip can minimise swelling in and around the joint aiding joint comfort in both the short term and long term.  Rosehip also contains high levels of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant which neutralises free radicals preventing damage to cells.

Hyaluronic Acid (HLA)

Synovial fluid is the fluid enclosed within a joint capsule and is rich in Hyaluronic Acid. It helps to ensure the joint moves freely. When a horse ages or injury occurs within a joint this fluid can become more viscous, physically preventing free movement. Including Hyaluronic acid in a horse joint supplement may help ensure that synovial fluid remains at the correct viscosity.  This will enable joints to move freely again.

joint imageGlucosamine HCL

Cartilage covers the ends of bones ensuring they don’t grind against each other. When arthritic changes or cartilage damage occurs,  cartilage breakdown can cause discomfort. Glucosamine is an amino sugar and a precursor of glucosaminoglycans (GAGS). These GAGS are major components of joint cartilage and essential for cartilage regeneration. Although available in many forms, Glucosamine Hydrochloride is regarded as the most bio-available variety which safeguards maximum absorption. Glucosamine HCL is, therefore, the most effective way to aid in the process of cartilage regeneration.


MSM (Methyl sulphonyl-methane)

Soft tissue tendons and ligaments connect muscle to bone and bone to bone.  For a joint to move these soft tissues need to be healthy and strong.  When an injury occurs to one of these soft tissues, joint movement may be restricted. MSM provides protein building blocks to aid tendon and ligament repair and for general tendon and ligament health.

The Importance of Bone Health in Horse Joint Supplements

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D3 plays a key role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, especially in bone. Stimulating the intestinal absorption of calcium, Vitamin D3  builds up the bone matrix promoting the mineralization of osteoblastic bone formation.  In studies, Vitamin D3 has been shown to work synergistically with Calcium, benefiting bone health and remodeling after exercise.

Calcium Chelate

99% of the calcium in the horse’s body is deposited in bone. It’s key in supporting the mechanical property of bone and the remodeling process. Providing calcium in a chelate form ensures it’s an efficiently absorbed nutrient which may help to prevent bone weaknesses. To optimise joint & bone health for your growing youngster or competition horse, our outstanding Liquid Joint & Bone RLF can give you that peace of mind.

Reviewed and updated April 2021